After World War II, reported the BBC, Perzy's son, Edwin Perzy II, took over Original Vienna Snow Globes and expanded the designs to include Christmas trees, Father Christmas, and snowmen. He also introduced a new material to serve as the globes' snow, the makeup of which is a closely guarded company secret.
Today, there are over 350 standard designs available, and each snow globe continues to be painted and assembled by hand. Twenty percent of the snow globes sold are custom creations; Original Vienna Snow Globes has created custom globes for Sasha and Malia Obama, as well as former presidents Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. One of the more notorious snow globes in pop culture history, the one that smashes at the beginning of the movie Citizen Kane, was an Original Vienna Snow Globes original.
Today, the company is still in the family, headed by Edwin Perzy III since the early 1980s. He employs just 30 employees, 15 of whom work from their homes, and produces around 200,000 snow globes each year. Per the company's web site, 2020 designs include snow globes featuring toilet paper and a snowman wearing a protective surgical mask.